eazytrades detail


Eazy Trades has been operating its computer shop online since 2009. Started just a simple website based on email order only and finally ready to take the plunge to convert its online presence for a full fledge online shop providing computers and computer parts throughout Australia.


Eazy Trades require a simple to use online shop soluton platform. The site would have to be a complete online shopping solutions only, therefore OS commerce was chosen as the platform. OSCommerce has been around since the early 2000 and has been used by millions of online shopping owners to power their online shop presence. It gives the ability of the owner to accept payment online, either by Paypal or credit card.

Eazy Trades backend administration panel provides the owner to manage their stock levels as well as sending a simple invoice to the buyers straight from the management panel.


  • OSCommerce (OSCMax variant)
  • Custom Design
  • Import and Export Items Fucntionality
  • Sliding Banners on the frontpage


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